What is an AED? And why do I need one?

In short, an AED or Automated External Defibrillator is a device that saves lives.  It analyzes the person’s heart and delivers an electrical shock, if needed,to eliminate an abnormal heart rhythm. 

AEDs are design to be simple to use. They use voice prompts to tell the user what to do, allowing anyone to be able to use it, even without prior training. 

The use of AEDs in the community has been associated with nearly doubling survival of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.

AHA information

Who needs them? 

The American Heart Association supports placing AEDs in targeted public areas such as sports arenas, gated communities, office complexes, doctor's offices, shopping malls, etc. When AEDs are placed in the community or a business or facility, the AHA strongly encourages that they be part of a defibrillation program in which:

• Persons that acquire an AED notify the local EMS office. 
• A licensed physician or medical authority provides medical oversight to ensure quality control. 
• Persons responsible for using the AED are trained in CPR and how to use an AED.

Contact us for more information on Automated External Defibrillators or to setbup a program at your business www.EverydayHeroesCPR.net/AED


LifePak CR Plus by PhysioControl

Bring Pulsepoint to Sacramento

Did you know there is a mobile phone app that will alert you if there is someone near you needing CPR? It has proven to increase survival rates. The app is already in place in certain areas in Northern California, but not in Sacramento. Please help us get the word out to bring it here by liking this Facebook page: www.Facebook.com/PulsepointSacramento