PulsePoint available in Sacramento

While it has not gotten much press, are you aware the PulsePoint App is now available in Sacramento County? While the app has been available in neighboring Yolo County for some time, it has only been in Sacramento since the end of 2015. 

The PulsePoint App is connected to the county's 911 system. When someone calls 911 for a victim in need of lifesaving CPR and/or an AED, while the dispatcher will attempt to talk the caller through CPR, the system will automatically send an alert out to any one near the victim who has the app. The idea is to get more CPR trained people to the victim even faster than the paramedics can get there, with the goal of starting high quality CPR and get an AED to the victim faster. The App also has a feature to show you where the nearest AED is located.

We highly recommend the PulsePoint App, available for either iPhone or Android phones. Get the app, and help get CPR started as soon as possible.

Learn CPR and how to use an AED: www.EverydayHeroesCPR.net